To be eligible to opt in to the Atlantic Registry physicians must have their primary practice in an Atlantic province and hold a Full license issued by one of the four Atlantic Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons.
Physicians must have a Full licence without:
Physicians must not:
Physicians are eligible when they meet all eligibility requirements and there are no other serious issues relating to their file identified by the Registrar.
Once licensed in each province by way of the Atlantic Registry, physicians can practise throughout the Atlantic region as of right.
Physicians who wish to opt in to the Atlantic Registry advise their home College and provide their consent. A physician’s home College is where they hold a Full licence and in the province where they practice the majority of the time.
The annual fee for the Registry is $500.00 and replaces all fees associated with temporary or locum licences for each of the Atlantic provinces.
The creation of the Atlantic Registry is the result of a collaboration over several months between all four Atlantic provinces. It is built upon substantial agreement by all Colleges on the criteria for licensure and advances the spirit and intent of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement.
Opting in to the Atlantic Registry must be done through the College from which you hold your Full licence and in the province where you practice the majority of the time.
Once the College receives your completed consent form and fee payment, there will be an internal review of your file. If approved for the Atlantic Registry, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia will recommend Full licensure to each of the other Atlantic Colleges.
When you have successfully opted on to the Atlantic Registry and once an Atlantic province has issued a Full licence you may practise in that province. READ MORE
11 Rhodas Lane
Elmsdale, Nova Scotia
B2S 1K5