The following article is a great read on the challenges rural communities are having keeping their doctors.

CanAm Physician Recruiting has been stating these facts for almost 20yrs. The only real solution is to hire a professional firm, such as CanAm, who has the ability to screen physicians, both Canadians and IMGS, and match them with the best possible opportunities which meet their professional and social needs.

Local hospitals or even provincial based recruiters cannot provide the National and Global options that CanAm can, and do provide. Physicians are no different than anyone else, they wonder if there are better options elsewhere and they seek the perfect place to live. The truth is that there is no perfect place to live and work but at CanAm we layout all the options and as a result we have the highest retention rates in the country.

Call your CanAm professional today and retain our services to provide you and your community with the continuum of health care you deserve.