More and more U.S. physicians are packing up and moving across the border to Canada. According to the Canadian Institute for Health Information, Canada is gaining more physicians and it’s losing, which is great news.

Dr. Emily S. Queenan decided to close down her practice in Rochester, New York, and move to Canada because she’s tired of battling the private health insurance industry in the U.S.

One out of every 14 claims was paid incorrectly, up to five per cent of the payments were outright denied, and the paperwork alone took up about 16 per cent of her working hour. She said it broke her heart to see her patients struggle to pay their bills, and said “the emotional stress was too great.”

Dr. Queenan investigated Canada’s healthcare system and liked that she didn’t have to sacrifice her family medicine career because of the “dysfunctional system” on her side of the border. She and her family are moving to Penetanguishene, Ontario (on the tip of Georgian Bay), where she will start and grow her own practice again.

H/T Toronto Star